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Apr 2, 2023
Meditation: Exploring Awareness
45 minutes | This meditation is a follow-up to the talk, "Identity and Fabrication." As we let go of clinging to changing phenomena (e.g....

Apr 1, 2023
Talk: Identity and Fabrication
61 minutes | The Buddha sees our suffering as an outcome of clinging to a sense of self. As we inquire into who we are at the most...

Dec 11, 2022
Talk: Musings on Emptiness
14 minutes | The experience and contemplation of emptiness can have a profound effect on our sense of who we are. This talk explores some...

Dec 11, 2022
Meditation: Seven Realms of Awareness
30 minutes | In this meditation you are guided to explore seven different aspects of existence that we can be aware of: breath, body...

Aug 4, 2021
Meditation: Cultivating Deepened Focus and Stable Attention
30 minutes | This meditation is designed to help practitioners come to a greater sense of concentration in a 30-minute meditation. Based...

Jul 19, 2021
Meditation: Mindfulness of Mind
31 minutes | In this meditation we practice several ways to become of aware of the mind, including a) the overall state of the mind, b)...

Mar 12, 2021
Meditation: Allowing Everything to Be
29 minutes | Based on a meditation by Adyashanti, we practice deeply relaxing through the process of letting everything be just as it is....

Dec 23, 2020
Talk: Cultivating the Spiritual Heart
19 Minutes | Starting with the Metta Sutta, and moving through spiritual poetry, we explore the relationship between personal and...

Dec 23, 2020
Meditation: Cultivating the Spiritual Heart
28 Minutes | Based on work by Adyashanti, this meditation invites a cultivation of awareness of the Spiritual Heart that never closes,...

Dec 16, 2020
Talk: Who Are We, Really? Musings on Identity
29 minutes | In this talk we explore different ways to experience "Who we are". We tend to experience ourselves as separate egoic selves,...

Dec 16, 2020
Meditation: Exploring Identity
32 minutes | In this meditation we explore different ways to experience "Who we are". We tend to experience ourselves as separate egoic...

Oct 18, 2020
Meditation: Wisdom and Inquiry
33 minutes | We use wise view to aid us in inquiry into our subconscious experience. When we look at challenging aspects of our lives, we...
Explore some of my guided meditations and Dharma talks.
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