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Dec 22, 2022
Meditation: Cultivating Unworldly Joy
25 minutes | The Buddha refers to two kinds of joy, worldly and unworldly. Unworldly joy is a joy experienced independent of anything...

Sep 11, 2022
Talk: Tranquility and the Seven Factors of Awakening
59 minutes | The cultivation of tranquility can be a profound experience in and of itself. It is also one of the factors of awakening...

Sep 20, 2021
Meditation: Anchor and Buoy - Stabilizing Attention
13 minutes | This meditation uses imagery of an anchor and a buoy to help the meditator to stay present and keep the mind from drifting....

Aug 4, 2021
Meditation: Cultivating Deepened Focus and Stable Attention
30 minutes | This meditation is designed to help practitioners come to a greater sense of concentration in a 30-minute meditation. Based...

Dec 11, 2020
Meditation: Cultivating the First Jhana
28 minutes | The jhanas are deep concentrated states that are pleasant to engage in. They are like flow states for meditation. The first...
Explore some of my guided meditations and Dharma talks.
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