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Sep 30, 2021
Meditation: Mindfulness of Emotions
29 minutes | The more we can be aware of all of our emotions, the more capacity we have to live fully and intentionally. Our emotions are...

Sep 20, 2021
Meditation: Anchor and Buoy - Stabilizing Attention
13 minutes | This meditation uses imagery of an anchor and a buoy to help the meditator to stay present and keep the mind from drifting....

Aug 4, 2021
Meditation: Intuitive Choice
9 minutes | Our most important choices are best made out of informed intuitive guidance. Each of our choice options has benefits and...

Jul 2, 2021
Talk: How the Body Leads Action
25 minutes | As our mindfulness practice becomes more refined, we begin to notice how any action - physical or mental - arises, and the...

Nov 19, 2020
Talk: The Ten Perfections - Resolve
23 minutes | This talk looks at some of the factors that go into cultivating resolve. Resolve is needed when we are intentionally moving...

Nov 19, 2020
Meditation: Central Core
24 minutes | Based on a meditation by Judith Blackstone. The central core is an experience that runs a couple of inches in front of the...

Sep 29, 2020
Talk: Body-Assisted Intention
57 minutes | The Buddha invites us to cultivate the intentions of renunciation (letting go of clinging) and lovingkindness. We can use...

Sep 29, 2020
Talk: Three Entries into Self-Kindness
23 minutes | Self-kindness is the foundation of growth and well-being. Yet self-kindness is challenging for so many of us. In this talk...

Sep 28, 2020
Meditation: Bringing Mindfulness into Daily Life
40 minutes | One of the most challenging aspects of our practice is bringing mindfulness and intentionality into the moment-to-moment...

Sep 28, 2020
Meditation: Working with Chronic Pain and Illness
23 minutes | Those with chronic pain or illness tend to either identify with the pain/illness, or try to push it out of consciousness....

Sep 28, 2020
Meditation: Self-Kindness
15 minutes | Kindness toward oneself is the foundation of growth and well-being. This meditation practices the cultivation of kindness...

Sep 28, 2020
Meditation: Embodying Kindness
15 minutes | This meditation practices the cultivation of kindness for self and others using mindfulness of the body as a primary focus.
Explore some of my guided meditations and Dharma talks.
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