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Jul 10, 2021
Talk: The Power of Staying
28 minutes | We can use the sensations of agitation or discomfort as an anchor for meditation. When we do, maintaining a sense of...

Apr 16, 2021
Meditation: Compassionate Communication - Part 5 - Challenging Communication Exercise
33 minutes | How do we hold ourselves and others in compassion in the midst of challenging communication? This meditative exercise guides...

Apr 16, 2021
Talk: Compassionate Communication - Part 5 - Introduction to the Challenging Communication Exercise
7 minutes | How do we hold ourselves and others in compassion in the midst of challenging communication? This talk introduces some of the...

Oct 18, 2020
Meditation: Wisdom and Inquiry
33 minutes | We use wise view to aid us in inquiry into our subconscious experience. When we look at challenging aspects of our lives, we...

Sep 29, 2020
Talk: The Nature of Insight
56 minutes | When we engage in inquiry practice, we do it with the aspiration that insights will arise. These insights bring with them a...

Sep 29, 2020
Talk: Three Entries into Self-Kindness
23 minutes | Self-kindness is the foundation of growth and well-being. Yet self-kindness is challenging for so many of us. In this talk...

Sep 29, 2020
Meditation: RAIN
42 minutes | RAIN is a powerful form of meditative self-inquiry. The RAIN meditation typically uses emotional challenges as a starting...

Sep 28, 2020
Talk: About RAIN
14 minutes | RAIN is a powerful form of meditative self-inquiry. The RAIN meditation typically uses emotional challenges as a starting...

Sep 28, 2020
Meditation: Bringing Mindfulness into Daily Life
40 minutes | One of the most challenging aspects of our practice is bringing mindfulness and intentionality into the moment-to-moment...

Sep 28, 2020
Meditation: Deepest Longing
23 minutes | This meditation is designed to help you identify what is most important to you. These deepest longings often lay buried in...
Explore some of my guided meditations and Dharma talks.
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